You should self-identify and submit your request as soon as possible after being accepted to the university to ensure appropriate time to review, process, and arrange for accommodations.
You should self-identify and submit your request as soon as possible after being accepted to the university to ensure appropriate time to review, process, and arrange for accommodations.
The ADA states, “…validate the need for services based on an individual’s current level of functioning in the educational setting.” Current documentation allows us to better understand the barriers that may exist in a collegiate setting. Proper documentation is needed to develop an accommodation plan for you moving forward.
Proper documentation to verify a disability must include supporting information regarding the disability; the functional limitations resulting from the disability; and the requested accommodation(s) and services.
Documentation that is acceptable includes reports and evaluations completed within the last 3 years from a professional whose expertise is within the scope of practice for stated impairment; educational, developmental, and medical history relevant to the disability; and information on how the disability currently interferes with college life.
Documentation that is NOT acceptable includes a diagnosis as the only justification for accommodation; After Care Instructions; incomplete documentation; documentation completed by a relative; forms completed by professionals whose expertise is outside of the scope of the identified disability; outdated assessments/evaluations; or notes written on a prescription pad.
Maybe, but not necessarily. High school special education programs are required by law to provide whatever service, help, or accommodation you need to be successful. Colleges and universities are required by law to provide “equal access to education” through programs, services, or extra help. Access is provided through reasonable accommodations. For example, services such as word banks or reduced assignments probably won’t be provided because postsecondary schools don’t provide modifications that would change the educational standards of coursework.
No. The IEP or 504 Plan developed by your high school will not follow you to college, but the rights and protections under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 apply. Section 504 is civil rights legislation and provides two things: (1) nondiscrimination on the basis of disability and (2) an equal opportunity to participate. The concept of “maximizing success” is only found under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act for elementary and secondary school.
No. Documentation review decisions are made independently at every institution. But it is helpful to provide a copy of your previously approved accommodations from a previous post-secondary institution.
You may submit documentation and request accommodations at any time, but decisions do not have an effect on work already completed, essentially accommodations are not retroactive. Accommodations move forward and are rarely retroactive. Not all accommodations can be immediately implemented; for example, you may be approved for an accommodation but that type of housing is not available. Specifically, for housing accommodations, please adhere to all 91ɫ Residence Life posted deadlines.
Every student is unique, so accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis after appropriate documentation is submitted and the barriers and needs identified, via the Welcome Meeting. 91ɫ is committed to ensuring access to learning. Some examples are sign-language interpreters, alternative format textbooks, audio recording lectures, assistive technology, and a distraction-reduced testing environment.
No. At Western New England University, the Student Accessibility Services office is the designated office to review, approve, and coordinate all disability-related accommodations, including academic, dining, and housing for all programs including undergraduate and graduate.
Once approved for accommodations, the Student Accessibility Services office will send an email letter to your course instructors with the approved accommodations. Students are required to submit a Semester Accommodation Letter Request Form at the start of each academic term including Winter and Summer Terms. If approved for housing, dining, internship/practicum/rotation accommodation the Student Accessibility Services office will send an email letter to the appropriate representative.
No. Our primary contact is the student and if the student would like to allow our team to speak with the parent the student must sign a SAS release form. The SAS Office Staff will take phone calls or an email from a parent, and listen to their concerns but we cannot share certain information, even with a FERPA waiver or SAS release. However, you should know that even if a student signs a release, staff generally only communicates with parents in the presence of the student. Also, students are required to handle any matters related to the SAS office, including requesting accommodations and reporting issues. We do not work with the parents in place of the student.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) do not allow faculty or others (non-SAS staff) access to disability-related information (e.g. diagnosis, medications, IEP, neuropsych evals, or medical documentation) and the information provided to SAS does not become part of a student’s permanent academic record. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) views all materials pertaining to a student’s disability as confidential. All disability-related information provided by the student to SAS for the purposes of requesting accommodations at Western New England University is housed in the SAS area. Only staff persons working at Student Accessibility Services have access to these files. Registration with SAS will not appear on 91ɫ transcripts, nor is the information shared between offices.
SAS will not share a student’s medical information with parents/guardians, outside campus partners, or university faculty or staff without the student’s written consent. However, we may share diagnosis information with the required University staff if there is a need-to-know situation.
SAS will not disclose any student’s medical or registration information to an employer or other outside organization without the student’s permission. SAS will retain all disability documentation, electronically, for six years after students leave the university.