
Golden Bear statue



The Communications Committee is responsible for outreach from the Staff Council to the University community. The Committee seeks to raise the profile of the Staff Council and keep 91ÑÇÉ«’s staff informed of Staff Council activities and events through the Staff Council website and print and digital media.

Events & Recognition

The Events & Recognition Committee develops and implements events for the Staff Council over the course of the year. These events may include coffee hours, open forums, employee appreciation events, and more. The Committee also oversees staff recognition and awards, including the annual Staff Excellence Award.

Nominations & Elections

The Nominations & Elections Committee oversees internal processes of the Staff Council, including filling vacancies and election of officers. The Committee maintains the Staff Council Membership roster and the Nominations & Elections procedures. The Staff Council Parliamentarian is an ex-officio member of this committee.

Staff Development

The Staff Development Committee partners with Human Resources to foster staff development and training. The committee identifies needs and makes recommendations for opportunities for new staff development and training. The committee also provides input to HR on-campus initiatives that impact staff policies, procedures, and evaluation.