The University's MA state tax exempt form, or ST-2, is needed to be provided to a vendor when a University employee is making a purchase on behalf of the University, and this allows the purchase to be exempt from state sales tax.
The University's MA state tax exempt form, or ST-2, is needed to be provided to a vendor when a University employee is making a purchase on behalf of the University, and this allows the purchase to be exempt from state sales tax.
Whenever international travel is required on behalf of the University, please refer to the International Travel Policy and fill out the accompanying form completely before travel. This is very important, and involves insurance coverage and other considerations.
This normally pertains only to Faculty and Administrative Staff, but the University will often include moving expense reimbursement included in hiring contracts. Please refer to the Moving Reimbursement Policy below for specifics and guidelines, and the attached form will need to be completed and submitted, complete with appropriate approval signatures, backup, and all required documentation.
Use the attached Excel file to create Purchase Order Requisitions. Email the completed purchase order requisition form (in Excel format) to with the following:
Additional Information - All promotional materials with the 91ÑÇÉ« logo must have Marketing approval. All OIT related items must be requisitioned by OIT.
When submitting a Purchase Order the vendor must adhere to the attached Terms & Conditions agreement.
Western New England University Purchase Order Policy (Updated July 12, 2021)
Please contact the Director of Administrative Services x1538 with any questions about this policy.
Please refer to the attached University Travel Policy prior to arranging any travel, as there are very specific protocols to follow.
Procurement Services
Deliso First Floor
413-796-2020 (fax)
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