
Deliso Hall

Merit Pages

Promoting Student Success

Western New England University uses a platform called to showcase students’ unique and meaningful Western New England University experiences. Your page is like a digital resume, highlighting your academic career, showcasing accomplishments, achievements, activities, and much more. Merit customizes each student’s stories and works to share your achievements with your hometown newspapers, high schools, state representatives, and family members.

About Merit

Once you get an email from Merit, simply click the “Sign in to your Merit Page” link. Don’t see it? Search “Merit” in your inbox spam.

Once you get to the Merit homepage, create an account using your non-91ÑÇÉ« email. If you would like, you can include your 91ÑÇÉ« email as a secondary email.

Now, you can customize your account by clicking “My Account” and adding content to each section on the left-hand side.

How do I maintain my page?

Your Merit page is established by Marketing and External Affairs and some accomplishments, such as making Dean’s List and President’s List, are updated automatically by them. Each time your page is updated, you will receive an email informing you of such. However, you have access to as well.

You can spruce up your page by adding photos, a short biography, activities, or work experience. Additionally, you can connect it to your social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, which will ensure that your friends and family, as well as potential future employers, learn about your achievements.

How is my Merit page updated?

Updates get posted automatically when students are recognized for specific accomplishments such as making President’s or Dean’s list, joining honor societies, participating in a campus activity or sport, landing an internship, presenting at a conference, receiving a scholarship, and studying abroad.

Merit is an institutionally verified proof of achievement, allowing your network to find the “good stuff” about your accomplishments. In addition, Merit pages ensure employers can find the information that makes students stand out and want to hire them. Your page is the first step to creating a positive online identity with a collection of achievements that will benefit you throughout your academic and professional careers.

Merit and Privacy

Western New England University complies fully with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act when publishing student stories through Merit. You can click on “Privacy” in your Merit account to view and make changes to who receives Merit updates.

What if I don’t want a Merit page?

You can opt-out of Merit and delete your page or keep it and adjust your privacy settings at any time. Follow the .

Examples of Merit Pages


