
Students in moot court


Real-World Immersion with Externships

Western New England offers the opportunity to gain real-world experience from an externship in a wide variety of legal fields. The Externship Program provides learning opportunities for students placed with judges and lawyers who have agreed to provide a mentored learning environment away from the law school. All externs are supervised by a law faculty member.

Apply on Symplicity for Fall 2025 Externships.  Click here for application instructions.

Upcoming Events

students talking
Join us for an overview of the Fall 2025 Externship Program, including the academic requirements, application process, and the benefits of externships. Refreshments provided.
Questions? Contact Marie Fletcher at mfletcher@law.wne.edu or 413-782-1469.
Students at Fair

Students will have the opportunity to speak with employers about their organizations and the opportunities available for summer interns and fall externs.

Questions? Contact Marie Fletcher, Clinical Programs Administrator, at marie.fletcher@law.wne.edu.

Types of Externship Placements

Law Practice

Law Practice 

Students work in a nonprofit organization, governmental agency, or private sector law firm engaging in a variety of lawyering tasks under the supervision of an attorney. The emphasis of the placement is for students to acquire a range of lawyering skills with a particular focus on professionalism, ethics, and public interest lawyering



Students work in judicial chambers on legal research memos and judicial opinions under the supervision of judges and their postgraduate or permanent law clerks. Externs also have the opportunity to observe court proceedings.

Student Secured

Student Secured 

Students may secure their own judicial, public interest, or private sector externship placement. However, students seeking approval to add a new externship site must obtain preliminary approval prior to submitting formal site approval paperwork. Students seeking approval of a student secured externship must provide information that demonstrates a good reason why they cannot obtain a similar experience at one of the approved sites, including expanding geographic, practice, or substantive areas. Please complete this  to obtain preliminary approval.

Sufficient lead time (a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the start of the semester) must be given to complete the site approval process once preliminary approval is granted. The site approval process will include a consultation with the proposed supervisor, an assessment of the substance of the proposed work, and a written agreement with the supervisor regarding the expectations and requirements for on-site supervision and mentoring. For more information contact Marie Fletcher.