

Work Orders

Submit Your Maintenance Requests Online

The Work Order System is a program used on campus that allows students and faculty to notify Facilities Management of problems on campus. These issues can fall into seven departments: Buildings, Environmental, Grounds, Housekeeping, HVAC, Telecommunications, and Transportation. If your Work Order is an emergency, please call and notify Facilities Management so we might expedite our response.

After a work order is placed, students and faculty can monitor the status of the work order where there are five different status levels that they might see:

  • Submitted - Expect to see this when you have successfully submitted a work order to the system.
  • Received - Expect to see this when the Facilities Management Office has received your work order.
  • Notified - Expect to see this when the Facilities Management Office has information that you need to know about your work order.
  • Canceled - Expect to see this when the Work Order has been determined to be unnecessary (such as duplicate requests for the same service)
  • Completed - Expect to see this when the Facilities Management Office has completed the work order.

To Access the Facilities Work Order system, please use the following steps:

  1. Login to the Connect2U portal above using your University user ID and password.
  2. Scroll down until you find the side bar titled "My Work Orders".
  3. In this box, click the link "Manage Work Orders".
  4. A pop-up will appear.  Click the "Submit a New Work Order" button.
  5. Select the "Facilities" button.
  6. Fill out information about the nature of the problem using comments section for extra details.
  7. Submit the Work Order

* The Office of Information Technology runs a separate Work Order System from Facilities. If your issue is IT related, please be sure to submit the Work Order with them as we cannot transfer Work Orders between departments.