

Environmental, Safety, and Recycling

Environmentally Conscious Campus Practices

The goal of this website is to provide direct and timely information to Facilities Management workers on issues of regulatory and professional standards regarding occupational safety and the environment. The University's Environmental, Safety, and Recycling Manager (ESRM) maintains this site as a service to those needing access to the University's written safety programs, chemical safety and disposal information, maintenance and laboratory chemical labeling assistance, and safety reference material. 

All safety programs included on this website are intended to fulfill, in part, the University's obligation under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to provide "a workplace free of recognized hazards that are causing or may cause death or serious physical harm." By allowing electronic access to them, the ESRM hopes to assist employees with their obligations under the Act to "comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this Act." The University recognizes that the hazards which may be present on campus are universal, and that the safety precautions established for employees are to be applicable to all members of the University community.

All recycling and chemical disposal information included on this website is intended to broaden the awareness of the University community with regards to proper environmental practices. "Green" and Sustainable initiatives like recycling continue to improve and grow as the community becomes more aware of existing programs and practices. The ESRM will use this website to communicate necessary changes to current environmental (including recycling) and or safety related programs.

Additional Information

Contact Information

Campus Utility Building
1215 Wilbraham Road
Springfield, MA 01119

413-782-1634 (Phone)
413-782-1253 (Fax)