

Counseling FAQ

Helping You Find Your Voice

What is counseling?

Counseling is a collaborative effort of talking through your concerns with a counselor who has experience helping others with similar difficulties. You identify the issue of concern and what you want to change. Your counselor will ask questions, make comments, explore new possibilities, and assign tasks to assist you in reaching your goals. Ultimately, counseling is a process of change that will give you a new sense of self-understanding while developing personal strengths and strategies to use in the future.

What happens in an initial meeting?

The purpose of an initial session, sometimes called an intake, is for a discussion of your concerns and present life situation. The counselor needs to understand both the nature of your concern and something about you as a person to get an overview of things. After this has been accomplished, decisions can be made about how best to proceed.

Will what I say be kept confidential?

Yes. Any information given in counseling is kept strictly confidential. Disclosure to any outside person requires prior permission of the student. However, should the life or safety of the student or someone else be in imminent danger, there are legal and ethical requirements that counselors notify appropriate persons.

Are there any charges for seeing a counselor?

Counseling services are available to all full-time degree students at Western New England University. There are no charges for any services offered.

Contact Information

Center for Health and Well-Being
Center for Sciences and Pharmacy, Room 235
1215 Wilbraham Rd.
Springfield, MA 01119

413-519-4055 (After hours)
Contact Us