
Students walking on campus

SAS Registration & Eligibility Process

Welcome to Student Accessibility Services

We are so very excited to continue your academic journey with you. Students with documented disabilities who seek accommodations at Western New England University will need to register with SAS following the steps outlined below:

Please forward the form(s) and corresponding documentation to:

Student Accessibility Services
Western New England University
1215 Wilbraham Road, Herman Hall, Room 105
Springfield, MA 01119

Phone: 413-782-1258
Fax:  413-782-1575
Email: accessibility@wne.edu

SAS Registration Process

New Students

Housing, Dining, Service Animals, and ESA Information

Western New England University is committed and dedicated to making its programs, services, and activities accessible for all students. We prohibit discrimination based on disability and strive to provide reasonable accommodations to students consistent with the Western New England mission, policy, and applicable laws, as appropriate.

Housing, Dining, Service Animals, and ESA