Housing selection will take place in The Housing Director (THD). Below you'll find a document which describes the room selection process in THD, step by step.
The link to THD can be found in your Connect2U, but the link to THD self-service is also below.
THD Step by Step
The Returning Undergraduate Student Housing Application closed at 11:59 p.m. on March 15, 2024. If you are trying to fill out a late Returning Undergraduate Student Housing Application, Residence Life will need to work with you to provide access to the application, since the deadline to complete applications has passed. Please email us at residencelife@wne.edu so that we can work with you on your late application request.
The first steps in returning student housing selection are completion of the Returning Undergraduate Student Housing Application in THD, followed by the $200 Housing Verification Payment. When you complete the application in THD, it will generate a charge for the Housing Verification Payment which will show up on your student account next day. You can then go pay the Housing Verification Payment through your Colleague self-service or at the bank at Enrollment Services. Applications will be available in THD starting on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Applications and payments are due Friday March 15, 2024. You can pay the Housing Verification Payment any time between when you complete your application and the March 15th deadline.
Important Note: If you need a waiver for the Housing Verification Payment, meaning that you do want to participate in room selection, but you cannot make the payment, DO NOT complete the Returning Undergraduate Student Housing Application before you speak to the Associate Dean of Students Kaitlin Bevins (kaitlin.bevins@wne.edu). Once you have obtained a waiver, Residence Life will give you additional instructions on how to complete an application and move forward in the process with a waiver.
Student housing is assigned for the full academic year (or program period for international students), unless the student graduates or withdraws (voluntarily or involuntarily).
Priority for housing selection will be determined by class and by assigned random numbers. See below for the schedule of room selection times.
Seniors (Class of 2025)
Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 starting at 10:00 a.m.*
Juniors (Class of 2026)
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 starting at 10:00 a.m.*
Sophomores (Class of 2027)
Thursday, April 18th, 2024 starting at 10:00 a.m.*
*Start time subject to change with advance notice via email and website*
As part of housing selection, students must be part of a group that completely fills the room, suite, or apartment they are trying to select. Groups must have either two, four, or six people in order to be able to successfully select housing. In order to assist students with that requirement, the Office of Residence Life provides students with a number of ways to find roommates if they are having trouble finding a group or filling a group.
Roommate Meet and Greets
Meet and Greets will be scheduled for early April. Dates and locations to be announced soon.
In addition, we encourage you to use your building/area Kodiak classroom to post and see if you can locate other students in your building/area who also need roommates.
To the extent feasible, Western New England University will provide housing and dining accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Further information and instructions on how to apply for housing accommodations can be found on the Office of Student Accessibility Services website.
SAS Accommodation Requests
New updates coming soon. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to residencelife@wne.edu with any questions.
We recognize that our online housing program only allows students to identify themselves as either male or female. As we recognize the need to support all forms of gender identity and expression in the residence halls, transgender and gender non-binary students are encouraged to contact us at residencelife@wne.edu or by phone at 413-782-1317 so that we can work with you on an individual basis to house you in an environment that supports your gender identity.
After room selection, some students will withdraw from housing or change rooms, which will create vacant spaces in upperclass housing. Over the course of the summer, the Office of Residence Life will fill these vacancies with returning students who have requested room changes, reactivated/readmitted students and new transfer/international students. When a space in your room is filled with a new student, you will be notified via e-mail.
If a space in your room becomes vacant, and you know someone who would like to move into that space, you may contact the Office of Residence Life via email at residencelife@wne.edu to request that person as a new roommate, and that person must also contact the Office of Residence Life to request a room change to your room. There is no guarantee that we will be able to grant those requests, but if the space is still available at the time when we receive your request, we will certainly consider it. To see if there is a vacancy in your room at any time, you can simply check your THD Self-Service.
If you are withdrawing from housing or if you are moved to a new space because of a room change request, it is your responsibility to notify your former roommates of this change. It would be wise for roommates to stay in touch over the summer and check your THD Self-Service periodically if you are concerned that one or more of your roommates may withdraw from the room.
Vacancies which exist at the beginning of each semester may be filled at any time during the semester, as space is needed. While we will make every effort to inform students when they are getting a new roommate/suitemate, prior notice cannot always be guaranteed.
Please feel free to contact the Office of Residence Life at 413-782-1317 if you have any questions.
When you complete your housing application in THD, you will also be agreeing to the Resident Student Housing Agreement. THD will provide you with an opportunity to view the full agreement before you complete your application and will send you a copy of the Agreement. The 2024-2025 Housing Agreement is also posted below. If you have any questions regarding the housing agreement, please feel free to contact us.
2024-2025 Housing Agreement