
Students Sitting in a Dorm Room

Break Housing

Stay on Campus During the Breaks

The Office of Residence Life offers resident students the opportunity to live on campus during University breaks. Students in undergraduate housing must fill out a housing application for each specific break. Students in undergraduate housing who apply for Winter and Spring Break housing will also be charged a weekly rate of $270 for housing during those breaks. These rates are effective through summer 2025.

Students in graduate housing are able to remain on campus during Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks at no additional charge as part of living in graduate housing.

Summer housing will be located in one area on campus. Each spring, the Office of Residence Life will determine where summer housing will be located. Students will be asked to move from their academic year assignment to a summer assignment. Housing for all other breaks (Thanksgiving, Winter, Spring) will generally be available for students to stay in their Fall/Spring housing assignments during the break, though the University reserves the right to consolidate housing and require students to move to other areas during breaks as housing demand and other circumstances warrant.

Contact Information

Office of Residence Life

Campus Center, 2nd floor

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