
Public Safety Cruisers

Sexual Assault Information

What Should You Do

Please remember...

  • Do not shower, or change clothes, as this will destroy evidence.
  • All reports are confidential. The victim’s name or address will not appear anywhere in the report or report narrative if they wish to keep the information confidential. It will simply say that a sexual assault was reported, and a Sexual Assault Investigator was assigned.
  • If you do not wish to file a report with the department, you can still speak with a department Sexual Assault Investigator. This investigator will be able to explain in detail all of the options available to you.
  • If you do not wish to speak with an investigator, we can call a victim advocate who will explain in detail all of the options available to you. 

If you decide not to report to Campus Police, PLEASE consider speaking with one of the following resources:

On-Campus Resources 

  • Public Safety: 413-782-1411
  • Title IX Coordinator: 413-782-1542
  • Center for Health and Well-Being: 413-782-1211
  • Counseling Services: 413-782-1211
  • Residential Life: 413-782-1317
  • Spiritual Life: 413-782-1628
  • Student Accessibility Services: 413-782-1258
  • VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students: 413-782-1282

Greater Springfield Resources

  • Abuse and Rape Crisis (24-hour hotline): 413-733-7100
  • Baystate Medical Center: 413-784-0000
  • Mercy Medical Center: 413-748-9000
  • YWCA Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Hotline: 413-733-7100 or 800-798-8711

Regional Resources 

  • Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence: 860-282-7899
  • Maine Coalition for Family Crisis Services: 207-941-1194
  • Massachusetts Coalition for Battered Women’s Service Groups: 617-248-0922
  • New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic/Sexual Violence: 603-224-8893
  • New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women: 609-584-8107
  • New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence: 518-432-4864
  • Rhode Island Council on Domestic Violence: 401-467-9940
  • Vermont Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: 802-233-1302

National Resources 

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
  • National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: 303-831-9251
  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center: 1-877-739-3895
  • Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

You may remain confidential and all will offer you valuable assistance.

University Disciplinary Action

Western New England University strives to provide an environment that is free of violent acts. Violations of the Sexual Harassment/Title IX Policy and Procedures will result in disciplinary action, which may include removal from the University. In accordance with the requirements of the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act, in any campus judicial case alleging some form of sexual assault, the complainant and respondent are entitled to the same opportunity to have other present during the Administrative Educational Conduct Review proceedings and both shall be informed of the outcome. The University will assist complainants or survivors in every possible way to restore their sense of empowerment and personal safety. This includes, at a minimum, arranging for changes in class schedules and living situations, subsequent to an alleged sexual assault to the extent that they are reasonably available. 

Criminal Investigation of Sexual Assaults

Contacting a Western New England University employee, designated as a mandated reporter, does not necessarily mean the student or employee must prosecute the respondent(s). The University has staff trained in dealing with matters of this nature and can provide students or employees resources and counseling about sexual assault. The choice belongs to the student or employee. Students and employees are asked to be aware that if they do not choose to press charges, other options are available for reporting the harassment and seeking assistance. A criminal investigation will involve Springfield Police Department's Sexual Assault Unit. These highly trained professionals have a close working relationship with campus police and local hospitals. Public Safety will assist the survivor or complainant by providing transportation and serving as advocates. Students and employees are reminded that this is not something they have to go through alone. A friend or support person can be with a student or employee during police interviews.