
College of Pharmacy students

COPHS Student Life

Life As A Student

Whether you live on campus or commute, or you are from Connecticut or abroad, being an active participant in student life is how you will experience more than a great university at Western New England University.

Graduate Housing

The apartment living of the graduate life experience is designed to give students the space for intensive study and access to campus resources along with the opportunity to connect socially to other members of their programs and the University community at large.

Graduate Housing

Student Organizations

Participation in student organizations enriches the learning experience for our doctoral students, helps them to become invested in community, and provides important connections to their professions. Organizations are available for both OTD and PharmD students.

Student Organizations

Student Accessibility Services

Western New England University recognizes that each person has a unique learning style and individual physical needs, and all members of the Western New England University community work together to ensure equitable access for students with disabilities.

Student Accessibility Services