
Student working with professor

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs)

Accelerating Your Education

The Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs) consist of 36 weeks of pharmacy practice experience in the fourth year of the PharmD curriculum. The APPE program begins in May following the third year, finishing in May of the fourth year. Four core/required experiences and two elective experiences are completed by all learners. Each APPE rotation is six weeks and has specific learning outcomes to guide the learner and preceptors. The learner evaluations are based upon these outcomes.

APPEs are completed in pharmacy practice settings ranging from hospitals and community pharmacies to governmental agencies.

PHAR 800 Amb. Care
PHAR 801 Acute Care
PHAR 802 Community Care
PHAR 803 Institutional
PHAR 804 Elective I
PHAR 805 Elective II