
University News

College of Arts & Sciences Students Honored For Outstanding Achievements

Published: May 22, 2023 | Categories: All News, Arts and Sciences
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Western New England University recognized 19 graduating students for academic excellence within their fields of study during the College of Arts & Sciences Senior Awards Ceremony, held May 20th in Rivers Memorial Hall.

Students receiving Academic Honors Awards are selected based on their academic achievement in the major or based on their overall class standing. The following students were recognized for their outstanding achievement:
– Achievement Award in Information Technology
– Allen E. Anderson Award
– American Chemical Society Outstanding Graduating Senior Award
– American Institute of Chemists Foundation Award
– Biology Achievement Award
– Excellence in Forensic Biology Award
– Excellence in Forensic Chemistry Award
– Excellence in Health Science Award
– Excellence in Political Science Award
– Excellence in Political Science Award
– Harold Heye History Award
– Honor Award for Social Work
– Honor Graduate in Criminal Justice Award
– Honor Graduate in Economics Award
– Honor Graduate in Law and Society Award
– Honor Graduate in Psychology Award
– Hoyt Warner Computer Science Book Award
– Max Y. Litman English Prize
– Nancy Hoar Excellence in Communication Award
– Outstanding Senior Thesis Award