
University News

Announcing the 2022 Teaching Excellence Award Finalists

Published: March 08, 2022 | Categories: All News, Faculty, Business, Arts and Sciences, Engineering
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The Teaching Excellence Award Committee has carefully reviewed the University community's nominations and chosen the finalists for the 2022 Teaching Excellence Award.

This year's finalists are:
College of Arts and Sciences
Alison Castellano, Professional Educator of Psychology
Nuwan De Silva, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Raymond Ostendorf, Associate Professor of Education

College of Business
Mary Schoonmaker, Associate Professor of Marketing & Entrepreneurship

College of Engineering
Devina Jaiswal, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Michael Rust, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

The Teaching Excellence Award Committee now would like to encourage all members of the University community - students, alumni, faculty, and staff - to submit additional materials in support of any of the finalists, such as a letter or a personal anecdote. Your input will help the committee make its difficult decision among such excellent candidates.

Please submit your support materials here by 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, 2022.

The Committee thanks everyone who nominated a faculty member for the 2022 Teaching Excellence Award. We look forward to receiving more input from the University community. 

For more information contact Meri Clark, Chair of Teaching Excellence Award Committee, at meri.clark@wne.edu or Jackie Scalzo, Director of Faculty and Academic Affairs at jackie.scalzo@wne.edu.