
University News

University Announces $35 Million "Second Century Campaign"

Published: January 09, 2019 | Categories: All News, Alumni
Second Century Campaign logo

The University has announced plans for a comprehensive fundraising campaign designed to enrich the student experience inside and outside of the classroom. Named the "Campaign for Our Second Century," the philanthropic endeavor launched publicly on 1-9-19—a nod to the University’s founding year of 1919.

The aim is to raise at least $35 million in private support for a range of priorities that will build on the institution’s historic first century and shape its future progress. Those priorities fit into five overall fundraising objectives:

  • Grow scholarship aid
  • Build and enhance campus facilities
  • Create impactful opportunities for student life
  • Boost academic initiatives and experiences
  • Strengthen the President’s Fund for Excellence

Current and future Western New England students will be the direct beneficiaries of the most ambitious fundraising effort in the University’s history. The number one priority of the Campaign is to increase student aid through donor-funded scholarships. In recent years, full-time undergraduate enrollment has grown to record levels, with more than 98 percent students receiving financial aid through scholarships, grants, and loans.

The University has already secured more than $29 million in new gifts and commitments to advance Western New England during the Campaign’s pre-launch phase, which began in 2016. Lead gifts were made by two of the University’s most ardent supporters—Kevin S. Delbridge ’77 and Janet Johnson Bullard ’69, both University Trustees who are serving as the Campaign’s Honorary Chairpersons. To date, more than 4,000 individual alumni, friends, and foundations have made commitments. Each gift made to Western New England during the Campaign counts toward its goal.

“Diligent, thoughtful, and dynamic people have made Western New England the University that it is today,” said President Anthony S. Caprio. “As we continue to grow and evolve, their generous financial support, volunteerism, and ideas will help us to shape an even brighter future together.”

In addition to fundraising, the Campaign represents an opportunity to tell the stories of the impact donors have at Western New England University while engaging the community in a culture of philanthropy that will accelerate the University’s progress into its next century.

The Campaign for Our Second Century is the University’s second comprehensive campaign. Private philanthropic support is not intended to replace University sources of revenue, but rather provide the margin of excellence that enables greater access to scholarship support, state-of-the-art technologies, outside the classroom experiences, faculty development, and other critical learning services.

“This is an exciting time at Western New England University,” said John J. Brennan ’71, Campaign Cochair and Vice Chair of the University’s Board of Trustees. “Western New England has become its own distinctive institution in its first 100 years and now is the time to launch a campaign that will ensure this ever-rising University continues to achieve greatness.” Cochair Denis G. Gagnon G’76 added, “We are extremely grateful for donors and investors who are helping to make this journey possible.”

“We are asking our stakeholders the question: ‘How do you personally want to make a difference at Western New England University, the place that helped many of us grow into the people and professionals we are today?’” said Cochair Laura Sturgis Boulé ’01/G’02, who encourages her generation to consider their philanthropic interests. “There are so many amazing programs and initiatives that deserve to be highlighted and supported by our community.”

For details about the Campaign for Our Second Century, visit wne.edu/campaign.