
University News

Model UN Team Wins Award at Harvard National Model UN Conference

Published: March 13, 2018 | Categories: All News
Model UN logo with colorful international flags in the background.

The Western New England University Model United Nations team competed in the 64th annual Harvard National Model United Nations Conference on February 15-18. This year’s Model UN team consisted of ten members representing the country of Monaco. University delegates Gabriel Greenspan and Sean Albro were awarded a Diplomatic Commendation in the 1956 Historical General Assembly – the first awards earned by the Western New England University model UN team.

Members of the 2018 Model UN team include: Joseph K. Labadini, senior Economics major and club President, Katherine B. Eason, senior Sociology major and club Vice-President, Sienna L. Duff, junior Marketing major and club Treasurer, Joshua T. Pack, junior Law and Society major, Gabriel I. Greenspan, senior Political Science major, Sean S. Albro, sophomore History major, William W. DeVinney, sophomore Political Science major, Austin J. Lorion, junior Secondary Education & History major, Baraa M. Melibari, sophomore Political Science major and Nicholas M. Zelasko, senior Sociology major.

This is the ninth year Western New England University has sent a delegation to the conference, which attracted 2,800 students from 69 countries to simulate the activities of the United Nations. The conference, founded in 1955, is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious conference of its kind and offers a unique opportunity for students to experience the challenges of international negotiation and diplomacy. “Getting the opportunity to work together, creating resolutions to some of the world’s biggest issues is an incredible experience,” said Model UN President Joey Labadini. “Simulating UN experiences is exciting and helps us understand the world a little better.”

“The conference is really empowering. When you’re there, you really feel like you can make a difference both in your community and on a larger scale,” added Katherine Eason, Vice-President of the University’s Model UN club. “This is my third year attending the event, and every year I learn new things about how to make my community a better place, and every year I get to leave with connections from people all over the world,” Eason added.

The University's Model UN club was organized to provide students with an opportunity to gain valuable insight into national and international politics. In the past, the club has sponsored the High School Model United Nations program and participated in the Harvard Model United Nations program, which allows students to expand their knowledge in the fields of international relations and in American and foreign policy.