
University News

Western New England University Announces Lecture Series on Chemicals and Your Health

Published: September 12, 2017 | Categories: All News, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Arts and Sciences
Healthy U

The Western New England University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is delighted to announce its community lecture series: Healthy U! This series will offer useful knowledge about the intersection of health and the chemicals we encounter in our daily lives.

The Western New England University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is delighted to announce its community lecture series: Healthy U! With expertise from Pharmacy to Biomedical Engineering, Health Sciences to Business and Law, University faculty will offer useful knowledge about the intersection of health and the chemicals we encounter in our daily lives. This series is designed to help individuals, and the community as a whole, make better decisions about health and safety.

The first lecture in the series titled, From Sweeteners to Mercury: Chemicals and Your Health, will be presented on Tuesday, September 26, from 6:30–7:30 p.m. Dr. Ronny Priefer, professor of Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Western New England University will deliver the talk and answer audience questions. The event is free and open to the public, and will be held in Room 300 of the Center for Sciences and Pharmacy, 1215 Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA. 

Chemicals surround us in our everyday lives. We consume them in our food and medications, have frequent contact with them in our homes, and on the job. While some people are fearful that chemicals are harmful to their health, it is important to remember that the human body is essentially a large container of chemicals. This lecture will help demystify some of the general concerns about chemicals and those chemicals that may be harmful after years of low exposure.

The second lecture in the Healthy U Series will be; Let’s Talk About it: Opioid Overdose Prevention Basics, and will be held on November 8 at 6:30 p.m.

Some future talks in the Healthy U Series will explore such topics as: Drugs in the Water and in Nature; Are Pharmaceutical Companies Evil? Drugs and Genes; Medical Marijuana laws; and Bugs and Drugs.  

More information is available at . Registration is not required; an RSVP is appreciated at ronny.priefer@wne.edu