
University News

Western New England University ROTC Cadets Honor Veterans

Published: November 14, 2016 | Categories: Arts and Sciences, All News, Law, Engineering, Business

"One person with courage makes a majority" Andrew Jackson

ROTC Cadets holding guns used for 21-gun salute

Western New England University ROTC leadership training cadets held their annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday November 11, at the Gazebo outside the St. Germain Campus Center. The ceremony honored those who currently serve in the military and those who have served in the past.

The solemn event included the posting of colors and laying of a wreath, 21 gun salute, remarks from Major Michael Noyes, assistant professor of Military Science, and Taps

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appriciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." John F. Kennedy