
University News

Western New England University Explores Lessons from Ferguson, MO

Published: October 13, 2016 | Categories: Arts and Sciences, All News

“...an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown was shot and killed...”

African American man protester holding sign "We need Justice"

The D'Amour Library Athenaeum Series presents, “Teaching While White: What I’ve Learned Teaching Race in Ferguson, MO” on Monday, October 17, at 5:00 p.m. in the Center for the Sciences and Pharmacy, Room 400.

The D'Amour Library Athenaeum Series at Western New England University will offer a talk and discussion by Annie Wagganer, assistant professor of sociology and honors program coordinator, St. Louis Community College, Florissant Valley Campus, titled, Teaching While White: What I've Learned Teaching Race in Ferguson, MO. The presentation will be held on Monday, October 17, at 5:00 p.m. in the Center for the Sciences and Pharmacy, Room 400. The event is free and open to the public.

The subject matter became all the more personal to Wagganer and the students of Ferguson in August of 2014, when an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown was shot and killed by a white police officer. Wagganer will share her experiences and discuss how she creates opportunities to facilitate meaningful conversations about identity, systemic inequality, and social justice.

The Athenaeum Series is designed to provide a forum for communication, conversation, and discussion of scientific, literary, and other topics. This presentation is co-sponsored by D'Amour Library, and the Diversity Task Force at Western New England University.