
University News

Philip “Bud” C. Beaudry Named to Board of Trustees at Western New England University

Published: July 29, 2016 | Categories: All News

Bud and Jill Beaudry established Scholarship for Engineering students

Philip Beaudry

Bud Beaudry of South Hadley, MA, has been named to the Western New England University Board of Trustees. President Anthony S. Caprio announced the appointment, which the Board approved during its June meeting.

Bud BeaudryBud Beaudry of South Hadley, MA, has been named to the Western New England University Board of Trustees. President Anthony S. Caprio announced the appointment, which the Board approved during its June meeting.

Beaudry has worked in the Aerospace/Defense sector for more than 30 years. Over the past 13 years, he has been the President/Owner of BTP systems, an engineering firm located in Ludlow, MA, which he started and has grown into a multi-million dollar company. As president of BTP Systems, Bud has led the company to the forefront of innovation and ingenuity with respect to design, maintenance, and sustainment of U.S. Navy, U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force EHF, and Satellite Communication hardware. Under Bud’s leadership, BTP has evolved into a cutting-edge small business for the overhaul and refurbishment of 15 different Department of Defense systems, and this has resulted in the restoration of over 1,500 communication systems. BTP Systems is also recognized for its development of new hardware designs, support services, and customized test equipment that can be deployed for use in a controlled laboratory environment or the harsh in-theater environment.

Beaudry is focused on improving the skills of each team member at BTP Systems. BTP Systems has achieved positive revenue growth every year while continuing to diversify into new business areas and continually grow the customer base. 

BTP Systems regularly employs student interns and currently has Western New England Engineering graduates on staff.

Bud and Jill Beaudry have established The BTP Systems Endowed Scholarship, an endowed scholarship at the University for Engineering students. The scholarship was established to help increase awareness in the career field of Radio Frequency/Microwave Engineering, and to encourage students to pursue studies within this growing specialized discipline.