
University News

University News

Published: June 17, 2016 | Categories: All News

College of Pharmacy Holds Annual Education Conference

Kim Tanzer and Dr. Courtney Doyle-Campbell

Pharmacy Conference in Rivers Hall

Western New England University College of Pharmacy recently held its 6th annual Continuing Pharmacy Education and Preceptor Development Conference.  The conference is one important way that the College of Pharmacy supports the educational needs of pharmacists in the region. This year’s gathering drew more than 200 pharmacists from throughout New England to participate in the full-day training program.

The conference workshops included, Pharmacy Law Review of Federal and State Regulations, and Case Law, presented by David Baker, BS Pharm, MBA, JDAssistant Professor, Pharmacy Administration.

What’s New in the Medication Management of Diabetes, presented by Izabela Collier, PharmD, CDEClinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice.

Pharmacogenomics: From Bench to Bedside, presented by Shannon Kinney, PhDAssistant Professor, Pharmacy Administration.

Medication Therapy Management, presented by Amanda Pelland, PharmDPGY1 Community Pharmacy Resident Western New England University College of Pharmacy/Big Y Pharmacy, Inc.

Addressing the Elephant in The Room: Simple Strategies for Difficult Challenges, presented by Melissa Mattison, PharmD, RPhClinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice.

During the event, Preceptor of the Year awards were presented to the following winners:

Kim Tanzer and Courtney Doyle-CampbellAward winners

Faculty Preceptor of the Year – Dr. Courtney Doyle-Campbell, Clinical Assistant Professor of Ambulatory Care. (seen in photo with Kim Tanzer, Assistant Dean of Experiential Affairs and Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice) 

Community/Ambulatory Care/Elective Preceptor of the Year–Dr. Alice Knittel, Central Western Massachusetts VA Health Care Center. (seen on left in photo to the right)

Acute Care/Institutional Preceptor of the Year–Shahnaz Balakhanpour, Pharmacist, Vibra Hospital of Western Massachusetts. (seen on right in photo to the right)

For more information about the various training opportunities at the Western New England University College of Pharmacy, please contact Kim Tanzer, Assistant Dean Experiential Affairs and Continuing Education Administrator, at kim.tanzer@wne.edu

The Western New England University College of Pharmacy prepares entry-level practitioners to provide pharmacy care to an increasingly diverse patient population in a variety of practice environments. The comprehensive learner-centered educational program fosters critical thinking skills, embraces professionalism, and instills a commitment to lifelong learning, community service, and leadership. The College enhances the knowledge base of the pharmacy profession through teaching, service, research, and scholarly activity.