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Alumni News

Published: May 01, 2016 | Categories: Alumni

Alumni Association 2016 Elections: Vote for Your Favorite Candidates Through May 27


voteIt’s springtime—and that means Alumni Association Elections time! Cast your ballot for the Alumni Association Board of Directors through Friday, May 27. You can read the candidates’ statements on the in the Spring issue of Alumni Outlook. You may vote online, by emailing alumwne@wne.edu, by calling 413-796-2240, or by filling in the ballot in Alumni Outlook and mailing it to the Office of Alumni Relations, 1215 Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA, 01119.

Running for Vice President is Alison Castellano ’03. The six candidates running for five open Member-at-Large positions are Courtney Chafer ’14, Tim Conrod ’11/G’12, Thomas Cowin ’15, Laurie Gibson ’92/G’00, David Greenslade ’14/G’15, and Kevin McKiernan G’97.