
University News

2016 Student Media Festival Winners

Published: May 09, 2016 | Categories: Arts and Sciences, All News

“It's a terrific experience for their work to be judged by area media professionals"

Winners of media festival

Group of media festival winners

Western New England University’s Department of Communication hosted the 14th annual student Media Festival earlier this month. The event is designed to showcase and celebrate the work students have produced throughout the academic year. More than 100 people attended to screen the productions. Featured productions come from six distinct categories including TV reports, music videos, PSAs/TV commercials, short films, radio essays, and radio reports.

The festival is a competition with each category judged by a panel of experts including faculty, alumni, and local media professionals. “It's a terrific experience for their work to be viewed and judged by area media professionals. Several students have been offered jobs because their projects were shown at this event.” said Brenda Garton-Sjoberg, Department of Communication and the festival’s faculty advisor. Several of the judges for the festival included Western New England University alumni who are now working as professionals in the media.

To view and download photographs of all the Media Festival winners click here.

2016 Student Media Festival Winners

Jury Award T.V. News Report
First Place: Courtney Miller and Alexa Rowe “91ÑÇÉ« Admissions”
Second Place: Alexa Rowe “New Year’s Resolutions”
Third Place: John Abbott “91ÑÇÉ« Website”

Jury Award Music Videos
First Place: John Abbott “7 Years”
Second Place: Ryan Fleming and Axl Ciano “91ÑÇÉ« Bills”
Third Place: Dominique Corveddu “Coming Down”

Jury Award Public Service Announcement (PSA)/Commercial
First Place: Thomas Quinlan “High 5 Consent”
Second Place: Maryann Gubala “Stuurbridge Village”
Third Place: John Abbott “Wear Your Pants”

People's Choice Award T.V. News Report
First Place: Courtney Miller and Alexa Rowe “91ÑÇÉ« Admissions”
Second Place: Alexa Rowe “New Year’s Resolutions”
Third Place: Courtney Miller “91ÑÇÉ«K”

People's Choice Award Music Videos
First Place: John Abbott “7 Years”
Second Place: Ryan Fleming and Axl Ciano “91ÑÇÉ« Bills”
Third Place: Ryan Fleming “10 Music Videos in 3 Minutes”

People's Choice Public Service Announcement (PSA)/Commercial
First Place: Thomas Quinlan “High 5 Consent”
Second Place: Eric Stinson “Panda”
Third Place: John Abbott “Wear Your Pants”

Radio Report Winners
The 14th Annual Student Media Festival also recognized Radio Reports and Radio Essays during the Media Festival. These winners were determined by WAMC Radio.

Radio Report
First Place: Payton North “Dominic James Profile”
Second Place: Courtney Miller “ Wounded Warrior”
Third Place: Kelly Byrnes “Bathroom Bills”
Fourth Place: Sophie Cannon “First Generation College Students”

Radio Essay
First Place: Kelly Byrnes “Washington D.C. Internship”
Second Place: Courtney Miller “Female Sports Fan”
Third Place: Stephanie Trombly “A Mother’s Hard Work”
Fourth Place: Jacqueline Sirni “No One is Going to Tell You”

Non-Profit/Short Film
First Place: John Abbott “Sirens”
Second Place: Dominique Corveddu “Scelerophobia”
Third Place: Grant Felenstein “A Guy and His Roomie”