
University News

University Women of Excellence Breakfast Held

Published: April 07, 2016 | Categories: All News

Women of Excellence Breakfast Held

Women of Excellence group.

On Sunday, March 6 students, faculty, staff, and alumna attended a Women Who Excel Breakfast in the St. Germain Campus Center Dining Hall, to celebrate the success of women of Western New England University.

Dr. Caprio speaking addressing the audiance

Those who attended the early morning breakfast enjoyed food and conversation on how women are excelling in the workplace and how that path to excellence can begin at Western New England University. Professor of Communication Brenda Garton welcomed the group and introduced the keynote speaker Western New England graduate Emily Savino '13. "We are proud of this talented graduate. You see once you leave our university, you are always part of our family and we continue to take pride in your accomplishments. We congratulate Emily on her success, especially in a male-dominated field. We look forward to hearing your story and advice to these young women whose first chapter in college may begin with this breakfast. It wasn’t that long ago when Emily sat in their seat and now we all take pride in her story of success” stated Garton.

Prof. B. Garton-Sjoberg, D. Chylinski, A. Willis, M. Major, K. O'Shepa, C. Miller, Prof. J. DeAngelis.

Prof. Brenda Garton-Sjoberg, Danielle Chylinski, Ashley Willis, Mia Major '13, Kristin O'Shepa '13, Courtney Miller, Prof. Jocelyn DeAngelis

Savino is currently the associate producer of Sports Center’s social media at ESPN. She attributes part of her success at ESPN to preparation provided by Western New England University. Savino stated, “This university is a wonderful community for all trying to find their way because the faculty and administration, really the entire school is looking for the best path forward.” Professor of Communication at Western New England, Jocelyn DeAngelis, also enjoyed attending this event because it “showcases the wonderful opportunities there are for women in our evolving society.”

A second Women Who Excel Breakfast will be held on Accepted Students Day, April 10.