
University News

Becoming An "Accountant with a Gun" Under the IRS Criminal Investigation Process

Published: March 15, 2016 | Categories: Business, All News

by Cam MacNeil

Colloquium on

On March 30, Western New England University hosted a Colloquium on how to become an “Accountant with a Gun” in room 400 of the Center for the Science and Pharmacy building. The seminar featured a presentation by Criminal Justice and Sociology Adjunct Instructor and Attorney, John J. Leahy Jr. on the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation operations. 

Leahy discussed how the Internal Revenue Service has developed over time with many technological and social changes, and the ins and outs of their criminal operations. He gave many examples such as, how small-scale identity theft is easily accomplished and easily avoided if victims took better precautions and knew how to recognize the signs.

IRS buildingLeahy also gave an insider’s view of how the U.S government was able to affect the problem with Swiss Bank account secrecy. He also educated listeners on the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s extensive gun training program one must undergo to become an “Accountant with a Gun.” 

Freshman Timothy Sprague, who attended the Colloquium, said, “Learning about the complexities of the IRS law enforcement system was fascinating. This is an exciting opportunity I had never considered before this program.”