Western New England University’s newly established chapter of the international forensic science honor society, Delta Delta Epsilon, inducted 18 students during their first induction ceremony in the Center for Science and Pharmacy.
Last fall, Forensic Science undergraduates from Western New England University competed at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists in Hyannis MA. Not only did students from Western New England score better than all the other undergraduate programs, their scores exceeded every graduate program in attendance as well. After gaining the approval of Physical and Biological Sciences Chair Dr. Alex Wurm and Dean Saeed Ghahramani, Western New England University applied for and received a chapter in Delta Delta Epsilon, becoming one of only 22 chapters throughout the world.
Delta Delta Epsilon is designed to stimulate academic achievement, promote community understanding, and advance the fields of forensic science.
“Our forensic science programs have been carefully developed over the last several years for possible accreditation in the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC),” explained Drawec. “including adding required laboratory components and more advanced scientific and mathematical approaches to forensic analysis, and new non-criminal justice courses that are required for forensic scientists.”
To view or download photos of the induction ceremony