
University News

2016 University Cohen Scholars Announced

Published: April 06, 2016 | Categories: Business, All News
Cohen Scholars: Anna Pickard, Zachary Booth, Alona Kornberg.

2016 Cohen Scholars: Anna Pickard, Zachary Booth, and Alona Kornberg.

Western New England University College of Business has announced three new Cohen Scholars. The students will serve a two-year appointment during their junior and senior years at the University. Scholars represent the College of Business at various events throughout the academic year. A luncheon in honor of the new Cohen Scholars will be held August 26, 2016, in the Trustees Room of the Campus Center.

The three sophomores selected for 2016-18 are Anna Pickard, accounting/finance major from Southwick, MA; Zachary Booth, business analytics and information management major from Hampden, MA; and Alona Kornberg, finance major from Fairlawn, NJ (pictured, left to right).

These students were selected from a finalist pool of 12 exceptional students, after an in-depth interview by a panel consisting of College of Business Honors Committee faculty and Business Advisory Board members. This year, nearly two dozen business students applied for this honor, all of whom held cumulative grade-point averages in excess of 3.5, and who demonstrated sterling credentials in student achievement and all manner of extracurricular engagement.

Dr. Julie Siciliano, Dean of the College of Business, said “These students represent a proud and growing tradition of high achievement and all-around excellence that is the hallmark of the Cohen Scholars Program, and I am pleased to welcome Alona, Anna, and Zachary as the newest student ambassadors for the College of Business.”

The Cohen Scholarship Program is partly the result of a $1 million gift from the estate of Frances Cohen, whose husband, Norman, attended Western New England University.