
University News

Public Invited to Attend Mini Law School at Western New England University

Published: February 15, 2016 | Categories: Law, All News

Public Invited to Attend Mini Law School

Law photo-gavel and scales of justice

The Western New England University School of Law will open its doors to the community with a unique five-week program focusing on gender, sexuality, families, and the law.

The WesteGavelrn New England University School of Law will open its doors to the community with a unique five-week program focusing on gender, sexuality, families, and the law. The Mini-Law School will be held from April 12 to May 10, 2016 on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Western New England University, 1215 Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA.

In an increasingly complex and litigious society, ordinary citizens find themselves having to interpret the law as it applies to their daily lives. Western New England University School of Law has created the Mini-Law School program to help non lawyers gain a basic understanding of legal topics, and dispel misinformation about the legal system.

April 12: Introduction to the Legal System
with Professors of Law Harris Freeman and Jennifer Levi.

April 19: Gender and Sexuality Law: Professionalism and Cultural Competency with Professors of Law Erin Buzuvis and Jennifer Levi.

April 26: Sexual Discrimination and LGBT Civil Rights in Education
with Professor of Law Erin Buzuvis.

May 3: Gender and Sexuality Issues in Criminal Law
with Professor of Law Bridgette Baldwin.

May 10: Gender and Sexuality Issues in Family Law
with Professor of Law Taylor Flynn.

Tuition is $35 for the general public and $95 for participants obtaining CEUs. This series has been submitted for approval to issue Category 1 continuing education hours for alcohol counselors, licensed mental health counselors, and licensed marriage and family therapists. The series will offer 10 CEUs for completion of the entire program.

The Mini-Law School Program is cochaired by Associate Deans Beth Cohen and Pat Newcombe.