
International Students

Social Security Number

Identification In America

A Social Security Number (SSN) is a unique identification number assigned by the U.S. federal government to monitor and tax wages earned by employees in the U.S. It does NOT grant employment authorization.

Generally speaking, SSNs are available to F-1 and J-1 students who are employed and J-1 scholars.

Students: The SSN is required for all individuals who are employed in the United States. In order to issue an SSN, the Social Security Administration requires evidence that you are eligible to work in the U.S., that you are a full-time student, and that you have received a formal offer of on-campus employment, or have been authorized for off-campus employment through Curricular Practical TrainingOptional Practical Training, or Academic Training

A SSN is not required to obtain a driver’s license, nor should it be required to open a bank account, rent a car, purchase a cell phone, or rent an apartment. Instead, ask the company to create a unique ID number for you. If you are required to have an SSN, please ask to speak to a manager or contact IPE as we can write a letter explaining the government’s regulations.

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Contact Information

International Programs and Education Office
St. Germain Campus Center
Second Floor
