
Blue background

Remote Work

Policy Statement

Remote work arrangements allow employees to work at an alternate work location, usually their home, for all or part of their workweek. The University considers remote work to be a viable, flexible work option when both the employee and the position are suited to such an arrangement. The benefits of remote work can be significant for employees and the organization. Remote work arrangements can enhance productivity, lower turnover, expand applicant pools, and provide employees with a greater work-life balance.

Reason for Policy

The University will provide support for hybrid remote work schedules or fully remote work schedules for eligible employees. Remote work may be appropriate for some employees and positions but not for others. Remote work is not an entitlement.   

This policy document contains specific information about remote work arrangements to guide supervisors and employees.

Who Is Governed by this Policy




Full-time and part-time staff who can perform their job off campus may apply for a partial or fully remote work arrangement on a permanent or temporary basis. No University employee is entitled to or guaranteed the opportunity to remote work. When some or all essential functions and responsibilities can be met using basic hardware and software, an employee is more likely to be eligible for remote work. However, an assessment of job functions is necessary to determine what level of in-person responsibilities exist within each position. Employees with approved remote work assignments may expect to occasionally report to campus for required meetings and other responsibilities that require their physical presence.

All requests for remote work need approval from the employee’s immediate supervisor and department head. 

The University reserves the right to identify any position that is not eligible for remote work. Supervisors of these areas are not automatically excluded from remote work arrangements.

Supervisors must ensure that remote work arrangements are made for appropriate, non-discriminatory reasons.

Remote work arrangements may also be considered on a case-by-case basis as a reasonable accommodation as provided by the University’s .

Remote Work Expectations and Performance Evaluation

Remote work does not change terms and conditions of employment with Western New England University related to compliance with policy and procedure. While working remotely, employees must follow all University policies and procedures.

Remote work is not a substitute for child or adult care. If children or adults in need of primary care are in the remote work location during the employees’ agreed upon work hours, arrangements should be made for their care. 

Remote employees should be reachable by telephone or email during the agreed-upon work hours. They should continue to respond to all emails, phone messages, and inquiries for assistance with the same level of urgency expected when working on campus.

The University may at any time change any or all of the conditions under which the employee is permitted to work remotely or withdraw permission to work remotely.

To ensure that employee performance will flourish in remote work arrangements, remote employees should consider the following practices:

  • Choose a quiet, safe, and private space to work where possible
  • Wear earbuds or headphones to ensure confidentiality where privacy is not possible
  • Have an internet connection that’s adequate for their job
  • Dedicate full attention to their job duties during working hours
  • For non-exempt staff ensure that work schedules are agreed to with their supervisor and are in compliance with FLSA law

Remote employees will be evaluated according to the University’s regular performance management processes.

Hours of Work

The total number of hours that remote employees are expected to work will not change, regardless of work location. The University also expects the same level of productivity that is expected from employees working from the campus. All terms and conditions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) apply to remote employees. Remote employees will continue to complete a timecard (when applicable) using the customary time-keeping system. Remote employees who are not exempt from overtime must get approval before working additional hours.

Compensation, Benefits, Insurance, and Liability

Compensation levels and benefits will be the same for remote employees. 

The University assumes no responsibility for injuries occurring in the employee’s remote work location outside of agreed upon work hours. Injuries sustained by an employee working in a home office location and in conjunction with their regular work duties are reportable under the University’s workers’ compensation plan. When a remote employee sustains a work-related injury, they must report the injury to their supervisor and human resources.

The proper communication tools, including Zoom access, will be provided to remote employees to ensure they can continue to collaborate and communicate effectively with all campus members.

Equipment, Security, and Expenses

Western New England will provide remote employees with a laptop, and at the request of the remote employee, a headset. Any additional equipment, including printers, scanners, shredders, external monitors, or other peripheral devices, are to be provided by the employees. The employee is responsible, at their cost, to provide adequate internet services at their off-campus location. The University accepts no responsibility for damage or repairs to employee-owned equipment.

The University will not duplicate resources between the campus location and the remote work location. If an employee is approved for a hybrid or totally remote work schedule they will have a laptop only which will be used when they are working in the office. The Office of Information Technology will install VPN and required software when employees receive their equipment. The University retains control over the property and reserves the right to monitor University property even when used at a remote location. Employees must keep the equipment safe and avoid any misuse. Equipment supplied by the University is for business purposes only. Employees must take proper measures to secure University information, assets, and systems.   

Specifically, employees must follow the terms and conditions of the Acceptable Use Policy whether working on or off campus.


Upon termination of employment, the remote employee will return all University property on or before the last day of employment.


First, the employee should have a discussion with their Department Head, Supervisor, or Dean (“supervisor”) to request remote work and discuss the terms of the remote work. When the employee and supervisor have reached an agreement about the terms of the remote work, the employee should fill out and submit the Remote Work Agreement to their supervisor for approval. If the supervisor agrees to the terms of the agreement, the supervisor should sign the form and provide a copy to Human Resources. If the supervisor does not agree to the terms of the agreement, the supervisor should provide a copy of the form to Human Resources with an explanation for the denial. A Remote Working Agreement must be executed prior to working remotely and should be updated if the work arrangement changes. 


Remote Working: a work arrangement where the employee enters into a formal agreement with the University to perform their usual job duties in an alternate work location at least one day per week.

Alternative Work Locations: approved locations, other than 1215 Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA, where official University business is performed. The most common alternate work location is the home of the employee, subject to the approval described in this policy.


Document History

Policy Origination Date:

Who Approved This Policy

Associate Vice President of Human Resources


Associate Director of Human Resources
Rivers Memorial