
May Lo


Ph.D., Drexel University
M.S.A., University of Massachusetts
M.Com., National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan


Scholarly Works

Journal Articles

Lo, M.H., Xie, W., & Xu, L.E. (2018). Assessing investors’ earnings expectations: the contextual usefulness of composite forecasts. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, forthcoming.

Lo, M.H., Elgers, P.T., Xie, W., & Xu, L.E. (2016). A contextual evaluation of composite forecasts of annual earnings. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets & Policies, 19(3), 1-40.

Lo, M.H. & Xu, L.E. (2013). Regulation FD and Analysts’ vs. Investors’ Weightings of the Cash Components of Earnings, Research in Accounting Regulation, 25 (2013): 169-184.

Conference Proceedings

Lo, M.H., Xie, W., & Xu, L. (2016). The Complementarity of Alternative Earnings Predictors as Proxies for Investor’s Earnings Expectations. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference Proceedings.

Lo, M.H., Elgers, P., Xie, W. & Xu, E. (2015). Alternative Forecast Sources as Proxies for Market Expectations of Earnings. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Lo, M.H., Elgers, P., Xie, W. & Xu, E. (2013). The Relative Performance of Composite Forecasts of Earnings. 12th International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute.

Lo, M.H., Elgers, P., Xie, W. & Xu, E. (2013). A Contextual Evaluation of Composite Forecasts of Earnings. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.