B.A., Earlham College
J.D., Northeastern University School of Law
Professor Carasik practiced law in the elder unit at Merrimack Valley Legal Services before opening her solo practice concentrating in disability rights and mental health law. She left private practice to join the staff of the Center for Public Representation, where she supervised the Disability Law Clinic. After leaving CPR, Professor Carasik joined the faculty and has directed the Discrimination Law Clinic, where she served as voluntary counsel to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination and the Legal Services Clinic, and has taught in the Judicial and Public Interest Externship Programs. Professor Carasik is Director of Experiential Learning and directs the Global Justice Clinic.
Courses Taught
Global Justice Clinic
Scholarly Works
Book Chapters
Lauren Carasik & Jeffrey Bachman, Destroying Indigenous Cultures in the United States, in Cultural Genocide: Law, Politics And Global Manifestations 97 (Jeffrey S. Bachman ed., Routledge 2019).
Journal Articles
Lauren Carasik, Investing in Murder: Honduran Farmers Sue World Bank’s Lending Arm for Fueling Land Conflict, 34 World Pol'y J. 24 (Summer 2017).
Lauren Carasik, Renaissance or Retrenchment: Legal Education at a Crossroads, 44 Ind. L. Rev. 735 (2011).
Lauren Carasik,"Think Glocal, Act Glocal": The Praxis of Social Justice Lawyering in the Global Era, 15 Clinical L. Rev. 55 (2008).
Lauren Carasik, Justice in the Balance: An Evaluation of One Clinic's Ability to Harmonize Teaching Practical Skills, Ethics and Professionalism with a Social Justice Mission, 16 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Soc. Just. 23 (2006).
Shorter Writings
Lauren Carasik, Resisting Trump’s Immigration Machine, Bos. Rev. (Jan. 24, 2025).
Lauren Carasik, Biden’s Climate Change Law Provides Incentives for Consumers to Go Green, Af-Am Point of View, May 1, 2023, at 23.
Lauren Carasik, 91ÑÇÉ«U Professor Tina Cafaro Joins the Bench in Western Mass, Af-Am Point of View, May. 1, 2022, at 23.
Lauren Carasik, The Cruelty of Trump’s ICE Under COVID-19, Bos. Rev. (May 19, 2020).
Lauren Carasik, From Justice to Action: Western New England University School of Law Center of Social Justice, Af-Am Point of View, Nov. 1, 2019, at 23.
Lauren Carasik, Trump's Asylum Ban Will Worsen a Crisis the US Helped Create, Aljazeera (Sept. 19, 2019).
Lauren Carasik, Trump's Safe Third Country Agreement with Guatemala is a Lie, Foreign Pol’y (July 30, 2019).
Lauren Carasik, The Government Is Targeting Immigration Lawyers, Activists, and Reporters, Bos. Rev. (Apr. 24, 2019).
Lauren Carasik, Guatemala’s ‘Slow-Motion Coup’ Rolls Onward, Foreign Pol’y (Jan. 26, 2019).
Lauren Carasik, Honduran Activist’s Murder Trial Addresses Symptoms, Not Causes, of Violence, Foreign Pol’y (Dec. 7, 2018).
Lauren Carasik,'The IMF’s ‘Large Brain, Unhealthy Ego, and Tiny Conscience’, Nation (Sept. 14, 2018).
Lauren Carasik, How the American Dream Is Becoming an American Illusion, Aljazeera (June 7, 2018).
Lauren Carasik, Trump’s Cruel Folly: Canceling TPS for Hondurans Will Fuel More Violence, Nation (May 15, 2018).
Lauren Carasik, Honduran Democracy on the Brink, Aljazeera (Dec. 11, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, A New Report Sheds Light on the Plot to Murder Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres, Nation (Nov. 14, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, For American Corporations, Winning Is Not Enough, Bos. Rev. (Oct. 25, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, The Alien Tort Statute and Human Rights Law, Foreign Affs. (Oct. 25, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, The United Nations Infected Haitians with Cholera. Now They Are Abandoning the Islanders to Their Fate, Newsweek (Oct. 24, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, Open for Business, Not Human Rights: Trump’s Priority in Central America, Bos. Rev. (July 24, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, The Muslim Ban: Did Trump Really Win?, Aljazeera (June 27, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, Trump's Climate Disaster, Aljazeera (June 6, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, Trump’s Sleight of Hand Will Bring Ruin to American Workers, Bos. Rev. (May 25, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, Opinion, UN Continues to Stumble–Badly–in Haiti, Mia. Herald, Apr. 12, 2017.
Lauren Carasik, Why Washington Was a No Show at Human Rights Hearings, Aljazeera (Mar. 27, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, Whom Do Sanctuary Cities Protect?, Bos. Rev. (Mar. 9, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, Standing Rocked, Foreign Affs. (Feb. 22, 2017).
Lauren Carasik, Investing in Murder: Honduran Farmers Sue World Bank’s Lending Arm for Fueling Land Conflict, World Pol'y J., Summer 2017, at 24.
Lauren Carasik, Donald Trump's Cabinet Bodes Ill for the Planet, Aljazeera (Dec. 21, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, N. Dakota Pipeline Protest Is a Harbinger of Many More, Aljazeera (Nov. 21, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Showdown at Standing Rock: How Obama Can Still Reroute the Pipeline, Foreign Affs. (Nov. 9, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, A Dismal Day for Human Rights in the US, Aljazeera (Nov. 9, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Dakota's Dividing Pipeline: Indigenous Resistance Against Big Energy, Foreign Affs. (Oct. 2, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Will Peace Bring Justice to Colombia?, Bos. Rev. (Sept. 7, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Donald Trump Doubles Down on Deportation Plan, Aljazeera (Sept. 4, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, The United Nations Comes Clean After the Cholera Epidemic in Haiti, Foreign Affs. (Aug. 29, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, New UN Secretary General Must Commit to Accountability, Aljazeera (Aug. 28, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Blood in Honduras, Silence in the United States, Bos. Rev. (Aug. 16, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Can Hillary Clinton Placate the Divided Left?, Aljazeera (July 31, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Donald Trump's Dangerous Demagoguery, Aljazeera (June 20, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, A Voice for Honduras' Voiceless: The Lasting Legacy of Berta Caceres, Foreign Affs. (Mar. 22, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Jimmy Morales Can't Fix Guatemala, Foreign Pol’y (Mar. 16, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Requiem for a Media Pioneer, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 26, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, El Salvador Must End Immunity for Wartime Crimes, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 21, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Washington Should Avoid Repeating Plan Colombia's Failures, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 9, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, US Environmental Injustice Goes Well Beyond Flint, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 6, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Obama and the Court, Foreign Affs. (Feb. 4, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Hands Off Haiti: Why International Interference Is Hampering Recovery, Foreign Affs. (Jan. 18, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Obama Must Halt Raids on Central American Refugee Families, Aljazeera Am. (Jan. 11, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Impunity in Tamir Rice Killing Intensifies Demands for Systemic Reform, Aljazeera Am. (Jan. 5, 2016).
Lauren Carasik, Paris Climate Change Accord is Just the Beginning, Aljazeera Am. (Dec. 17, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Venezuela's Electoral System Is Being Unfairly Maligned, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 30, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, US Leaders Cave to Popular Fear on Syrian Refugees, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 18, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, US Should Not Stonewall International Inquiry into Kunduz Attack, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 11, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Haiti’s Election: Hardly a Victory for Democracy, Hill (Nov. 10, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Brutal Borders: Mexico's Immigration Crackdown--And How the United States Funds It, Foreign Affs. (Nov. 4, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, US May be Complicit in War Crimes in Yemen, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 2, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, There Are No Peasants Here, Foreign Pol’y (Oct. 23, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Alabama's DMV Closures Reinforce Need to Restore the Voting Rights Act, Aljazeera Am. (Oct. 15, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Will Oklahoma Put an Innocent Man to Death?, Aljazeera Am. (Oct. 1, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Faulty Ayotzinapa Probe Indicts Mexico's Drug War, Aljazeera Am. (Sept. 25, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Guatemala Needs Profound Change, Aljazeera Am. (Aug. 31, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, The End of U.S. Complicity in the Dominican Republic: How Washington Should Respond to the Humanitarian Crisis, Foreign Affs. (Aug. 20, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Obama's Failure of Leadership on Gitmo, Aljazeera Am. (Aug. 20, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Obama Fights to Continue Detention of Migrant Families, Truthout (Aug. 18, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Gutting Schools Won't Solve Puerto Rico's Debt Crisis, Aljazeera Am. (Aug. 11, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, The World Bank has an Accountability Problem, Aljazeera Am. (July 22, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Close the Revolving Door Between Washington and Wall Street, Aljazeera Am. (July 18, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Equal Justice Remains Elusive for the Poor, Aljazeera Am. (June 29, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, House Hunters: How Reconstruction in Haiti Went So Wrong, Foreign Affs. (June 21, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Stop Mass Deportation from the Dominican Republic to Haiti, Aljazeera Am. (June 19, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Canada Confronts 'Cultural Genocide' Against Aboriginal People, Aljazeera Am. (June 16, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Revelations on FBI Spy Fleet Cloud Surveillance Reform, Aljazeera Am. (June 10, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, End Sexual Exploitation by Peacekeepers, Aljazeera Am. (June 5, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Stop Warehousing the Mentally Ill in Prisons, Aljazeera Am. (June 3, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Land-Rights Defenders Face Growing Threat, Aljazeera Am. (May 13, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, In Pro-Corporate Tribunals We Trust, Foreign Pol’y (May 4, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Supreme Court Argument on Same-Sex Marriage Clouds Predictions, Aljazeera Am. (Apr. 30, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, US Aid Proposal Could Worsen Violence in El Salvador, Aljazeera Am. (Apr. 27, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Americans Have Yet to Grasp the Horrific Magnitude of the 'War on Terror’, Aljazeera Am. (Apr. 10, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Fighting Words: Tough Talk in Venezuela Won't Work, Foreign Affs. (Apr. 2, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, US Should End Solitary Confinement, Aljazeera Am. (Mar. 30, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, France Should Fully Investigate Guantanamo Torture Claims, Aljazeera Am. (Mar. 23, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, 26 States Sue Obama Over Immigration Plan, Aljazeera Am. (Mar. 16, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, DOJ Clears Wilson but Excoriates Ferguson Police, Aljazeera Am. (Mar. 6, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, In Abercrombie Case, Supreme Court Should Protect Religious Freedom, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 26, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, The Right to Counsel Must be Protected and Expanded, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 13, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, The Amnesty Tightrope: with the End Of A 50-Year-Old War At Stake, Colombia Must Strike a Balance with Rebel Fighters, Foreign Pol’y (Feb. 9, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Supreme Court Should Not Gut Fair Housing Protections, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 6, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, Holder Assails Policing for Profit, Aljazeera Am. (Jan. 22, 2015).
Lauren Carasik, The Real State of the Union 2015, Aljazeera Am. (Jan. 19, 2015) (with Dean Baker et al.).
Lauren Carasik, Venezuela Sanctions Highlight US Hypocrisy on Human Rights, Aljazeera Am. (Dec. 18, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, No Guarantee the US Won't Torture Again, Aljazeera Am. (Dec. 10, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Federal Appeals Court Spares Mentally Ill Man from Execution -- For Now, Aljazeera Am. (Dec. 4, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, US Policies in Mexico Have Made Bad Situation Worse, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 24, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Executive Disorder: The Real Problem with Obama's Immigration Announcement, Foreign Affs. (Nov. 17, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Release Senate Report on CIA Torture Program, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 12, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, UN Climate Change Report Warns of Severe and Irreversible Effects, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 5, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Deadly Deportations: How Obama's Immigration Policies Break the Law, Foreign Affs. (Nov. 5, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, There's an Epidemic on Trial in New York -- But It's Not Ebola, Vice News (Oct. 27, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Blackwater Guilty Verdict Long Overdue, Aljazeera Am. (Oct. 22, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Evo Morales? Incomplete Legacy, Aljazeera Am. (Oct. 21, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Undermined: The Case Against International Arbitration Tribunals, Foreign Affs. (Oct. 1, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Holder's Inconsistent Constitutional Legacy, Aljazeera Am. (Sept. 30, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Exoneration of Death Row Convict Supports Abolitionists, Aljazeera Am. (Sept. 10, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, The American "Deportation Mill," Bos. Rev. (Sept. 9, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, United Nations Watchdog Blasts US for Persistent Racism, Aljazeera Am. (Sept. 8, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Haiti's Fragile Democracy, Jurist (Aug. 31, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, The Second Tragedy of the Michael Brown Shooting, Aljazeera Am. (Aug. 14, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Bad Role Models, Foreign Affs. (Aug. 12, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, The Uphill Battle to Hold US Corporations Accountable for Abuses Abroad, Aljazeera Am. (Aug. 8, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Development Déjà Vu, Foreign Pol’y (July 28, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, US Should Not Gut Legal Protections for Immigrant Children, Aljazeera Am. (July 25, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Hondurans Don't Need Yet Another Neoliberal Boondoggle, Aljazeera Am. (July 20, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Minors Crossing US Southern Border Need Protection, Aljazeera Am. (June 19, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Commercial Land Grabs Threaten Global Food Ecosystem, Aljazeera Am. (June 12, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, How to Bleed a Country, Foreign Pol’y (June 3, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Idaho Gag Law Hides Horrors of AG Industry, Aljazeera Am. (May 30, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Chevron Uses Deep Pockets to Win Ecuador Legal Battle, Aljazeera Am. (May 16, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, The Long Struggle for Justice in Guatemala, Aljazeera Am. (May 12, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, New York Bar Association Urges U.S. to Push UN to Accept Responsibility for Cholera Epidemic in Haiti, Jurist (May 10, 2014),
Lauren Carasik, Obama Doesn't Deserve Deference on Drone Deaths, Aljazeera Am. (May 5, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, World Bank Tribunal Threatens El Salvador's Development, Aljazeera Am. (Apr. 22, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Obama Continues Bush's Policies in Venezuela, Aljazeera Am. (Apr. 8, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Toll of U.S. Invasion Haunts Iraq, Aljazeera Am. (Apr. 4, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, El Salvador Gripped by Tension After Close Election, Aljazeera Am. (Mar. 22, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Human Rights for Thee but Not for Me, Aljazeera Am. (Mar. 12, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, The UN Is Not Above the Law, Aljazeera Am. (Mar. 6, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, The US Should Respect Venezuela's Democracy, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 25, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Supreme Court Ruling Shields Corporations from Accountability, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 20, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, The Vatican Still Protects Pedophile Priests, Aljazeera Am. (Feb. 11, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Retrogressive Anti-gay Law in Uganda Has Ties to the US, Aljazeera Am. (Jan. 13, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, US Ambassador to Honduras Offers Tacit Support of Brutal Crackdown, Aljazeera Am. (Jan. 7, 2014).
Lauren Carasik, Susan Scott, and Azadeh Shahshahani, The Geopolitics of Election Approval: The US Response to Honduras and Venezuela, Truthout (Dec. 17, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, "Banana Republic" Honduras Open for Business After Tainted Election, Truthout (Dec. 3, 2013).
Lauren Carasik & Azadeh Shahshahani, Honduras Presidential Election Demands an Investigation, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 28, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Rios Montt Edges Closer to Escaping Accountability for Genocide, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 14, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Honduras' Political Violence Threatens to Undermine its November Elections, Aljazeera Am. (Nov. 3, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, A Tale of Two Responses to LGBTI Violence, Truthout (Sept. 12, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Global Harms Need a Global Remedy: Small but Meaningful Victory Against Hudbay Minerals, Truthout (Aug. 22, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Honduras: Where the Blood Flows and the Rivers Are Dammed, Aljazeera Eng. (Aug. 6, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, The Tragic Tale of Guantanamo Detainee #684, Aljazeera Eng. (June 19, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Accountability for Transnational Corporations Must Be an Active US Goal in the Wake of the Kiobel Decision, Truthout (June 15, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Honduras: When will the US Stop Funding Death Squads?, Aljazeera Eng. (June 4, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Justice Postponed in Guatemala: Rios Montt and the United States Evade Reckoning with the Past, Bos. Rev. (May 28, 2013). .
Lauren Carasik, Unfolding Repression in the Shadows of the Guatemalan Genocide Trial, Truthout (May 17, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Guatemala Illuminates Its Dark History With a Stunning Guilty Verdict for Rios Montt, Truthout (May 15, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, As the UN Evades Responsibility for the Cholera Epidemic, Haitians Continue to Suffer, Common Dreams (May 13, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, More Blood Soaked Clothing in Bangladesh, Common Dreams (May 3, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Did Guatemala's President Try to Shut Down the Genocide Trial?, Truthout (May 3, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Did the US Cover Up Its Role in a Deadly Honduran Counter-Narcotics Operation?, Truthout (Apr. 27, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, The Long Arc of Justice in Guatemala, Aljazeera Eng. (Apr. 22, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, US Funds Still Supporting Honduras Death Squads, Jurist (Apr. 22, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, When Fear Eclipses Justice, We all Lose: Shutter Guantanamo Now, Aljazeera Eng. (Apr. 7, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Kiobel Case: Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Abuses, Aljazeera Eng. (Apr. 1, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, Campesino Communities in Honduras Being Devastated, One Family at a Time, Aljazeera Eng. (March 31, 2013).
Lauren Carasik, The United Nations' Role in Haiti's Cholera Outbreak, Aljazeera Eng. (Nov. 20, 2012).
Lauren Carasik, Our Men in Honduras: Losing Control of the War on Drugs, Truthout (Oct. 21, 2012).
Lauren Carasik, Guatemala's Past Casts an Ominous Shadow, Aljazeera Eng. (Oct. 19, 2012).
Lauren Carasik, Our Men in Honduras: Losing Control of the War on Drugs, Bos. Rev. Online (Oct. 18, 2012).
Lauren Carasik, Courageous Guatemalan Jurist Under Fire, Jurist (Oct. 15, 2012).
Lauren Carasik, Honduran Campesinos in the Crosshairs, Aljazeera Eng. (Apr. 6, 2012).
Lauren Carasik, Legacy of a Massacre: The World Bank and the Chixoy Dam, Common Dreams (Mar. 24, 2012).
Lauren Carasik, Haiti, Cholera, and the United Nations: Negligence and the Rule of Law, Common Dreams (Feb. 29, 2012).
Lauren Carasik, Guatemala: Reconciliation or Retrenchment?, Aljazeera Eng. (Jan. 13, 2012).
Lauren Carasik & Grahame Russell, Justice Delayed 30 Years in Guatemala, Aljazeera Eng. (Jan. 4, 2012).
Lauren Carasik, The Chixoy Dam: A Time for Justice, Peace & Freedom Mag. (Fall 2012).
Lauren Carasik & Nadine Cohen, Overview of Fair Housing Laws, Law.'s Comm. for Civ. Rights Under Law of the Bos. Bar Ass'n (1990).