
Chata Dickson


Ph.D., West Virginia University
M.S., Northeastern University
A.B.H., Rollins College

Curriculum Vitae


Problems of learning in individuals with Autism spectrum disorders

Schedules of reinforcement

Instructional design


MacDonald, R. P. F., Dickson, C. A., Martineau, M. & Ahearn, W. H. (2015 ). Prerequisite Skills that Support Learning through Video Modeling . ,38 , 33-47.

McKay, J. A., Weiss, J. S., Dickson, C., A., & Ahearn, W. H (2014 ). Comparison of Prompting Hierarchies on the Acquisition of Leisure and Vocational Skills . ,7 , 91-102.

Dickson, C. A., MacDonald, R. P. F., Mansfield, R., Guilhardi, P., Johnson, C., & Ahearn, W. H. (2014 ). Social Validation of the New England Center for Children-Core Skills Assessment . ,44 , 66-74.

Kuroda, T., Cancado, C. X., Lattal, K. A., Elcoro, M., Dickson, C. A., & Cook, J. (2012 ). Response-Reinforcer Dependency Variation in Periodic and Aperiodic Schedules . Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior ,99 , 199-210.

Dube, W. V., Dickson, C. A., Balsamo, L. M., O'Donnell, K. L., Tomanari, G. Y., Farren, K. M., Wheeler, E. E. & McIlvane, W. J. (2010 ). Observing Behavior and Atypically Restricted Stimulus Control . Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior , 297-313.

Dickson, C. A., Wang, S. S., Lombard, K. M., & Dube, W. V. (2006 ). Overselective stimulus control in residential students with intellectual disabilities . Research in Developmental Disabilities ,27 , 618-631.

Dickson, C. A., Deutsch, C. K., Wang, S. S., & Dube, W. V. (2006 ). Matching-to-sample assessment of stimulus overselectivity in students with intellectual disabilities . American Journal on Mental Retardation ,111 , 447-453.

Dube, W. V., Balsamo, L. M., Fowler, T. R., Dickson, C. A., Lombard, K. M., & Tomanari, G. Y. (2006 ). Observing behavior topography in delayed matching to multiple samples . The Psychological Record ,56 , 233-244.