Book Chapters
T. Shaska and C. Shor. . Advances on Superelliptic Curves and their Applications, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security, Amsterdam, 41:15-46, 2015.
Journal Articles
N. Dent and C. Shor. . Journal of Integer Sequences, vol. 27, 2024, Article 24.2.5.
C. Shor. . Albanian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 17, no. 1, 2023, pp. 41-68.
C. Shor. . Discrete Mathematics, vol. 345, no. 10, 2022.
T. A. Gassert and C. Shor. . Semigroup Forum, vol. 98, no. 1, 2019.
C. Shor. . Journal of Integer Sequences, 22:Article 19.2.4, 2019.
C. Shor. . Higher genus curves in mathematical physics and arithmetic geometry, vol. 703 of Contemporary Mathematics, pp. 143--156, 2018.
T. Shaska and C. Shor. . Communications in Algebra, 45:1879-1892, 2017.
T. A. Gassert and C. Shor. , Journal of Number Theory, 180:45--72, 2017.
T. Shaska and C. Shor. . Des. Codes Cryptogr., 76(2):217--235, 2015.
L. Beshaj, T. Shaska, and C. Shor. . Riemann and Klein surfaces, automorphisms, symmetries and moduli spaces, vol. 629 of Contemporary Mathematics, pp. 1--14, 2014.
C. Shor. . Albanian J. Math., 5(1):31--40, 2011.
T. Shaska, C. Shor, and S. Wijesiri. . Finite Fields Appl., 16(2):75--87, 2010.
C. Shor. . Serdica J. Comput., 1(2):171--184, 2007.