B.S., Saint Joseph's University
M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Computational Creativity
Computer Science Education
Brian O'Neill and Mark Riedl (2016). Emotion-Driven Narrative Generation . In Kostas Karpouzis and Georgios Yannakakis (Eds.), Emotions in Games: Theory and Praxis (pp. 167-180) : Springer.
Brian O'Neill (2018 , June ). . Journal of Computing Sciences in Small Colleges ,33 , 86-96.
Brian O'Neill and Lisa Hansen (2021 , March ). Modernizing a General Education Requirement in Computing to Emphasize Critical Thinking . 52nd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2021) , New York, NY
Brian O'Neill and Mark Riedl (2014 ). Dramatis: A Computational Model of Suspense . 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '14) Quebec City, QC, Canada
CS 370 Artificial Intelligence
CS 210 Software Design
CS/IT 102 Introduction to Programming
CS/IT 200 Data Structures
CS 390 Special Topics: Machine Learning