
Alexander Wurm


Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin
M.A., The University of Texas at Austin
Diplom, Universitaet Wuerzburg (Germany)



Theoretical Plasma Physics
Nonlinear Dynamics
Mathematical Physics
Forensic Physics

Scholarly Works

Book Chapters

A. Wurm (2007). Appendix on Wick Calculus . In P. Cartier and C. DeWitt-Morette (Eds.), Functional Integration: Action and Symmetries : Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics, Cambridge University Press.

P. Cartier, M. Berg, C. DeWitt-Morette, and A. Wurm (2001). Characterizing Volume Forms . In A. Pelster et al. (Eds.), Fluctuating Paths and Fields : World Scientific.

A. Wurm (based on lectures by P. Cartier) (1997). A Rigorous Mathematical Foundation of Functional Integration . In C. DeWitt-Morette, P. Cartier, and A. Folacci (Eds.), Functional Integration: Basics and Applications : Plenum Press, New York.

Journal Articles

M. Lingam, P.J. Morrison, and A. Wurm (2020 ). A class of three-dimensional gyroviscous magnetohydrodynamic models . Journal of Plasma Physics ,86 , 835860501.

I.Keramidas Charidakos, M.Lingam, P.J.Morrison, R.L.White, A. Wurm (2014 ). Action principles for extended magnetohydrodynamic models . Physics of Plasmas ,21 , 092118.

A. Wurm and K.M. Martini (2013 ). Breakup of inverse golden mean shearless tori in the two-frequency standard nontwist map . Physics Letters A ,377 , 622-627.

A. Wurm and K. Fuchss Portela (2012 ). Breakup of shearless invariant tori in cubic and quartic nontwist maps . Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat ,17 , 2215.

P.J. Morrison and A. Wurm (2009 ). . Scholarpedia ,4 , 3551.

A. Wurm and M. Berg (2008 ). Wick calculus . Am. J. Phys. ,76 , 65.

K. Fuchss, A. Wurm, and P.J. Morrison (2007 ). On a new fixed point of the renormalization group operator for area-preserving maps . Phys. Lett. A ,366 , 437.

K. Fuchss, A. Wurm, A. Apte, and P.J. Morrison (2006 ). Breakup of Shearless Meanders and Outer Tori in the Standard Nontwist Map . Chaos ,16 , 033120.

A. Apte, A. Wurm and P.J. Morrison (2005 ). Renormalization for breakup of invariant tori . Physica D ,200 , 47.

A. Wurm, A. Apte, K. Fuchss, and P.J. Morrison (2005 ). Meanders and Reconnection-Collision Sequences in the Standard Nontwist Map . Chaos ,15 , 23108-1.

W. Horton, H.V. Wong, P.J. Morrison, A. Wurm, J.H. Kim, J.C. Perez, J. Pratt, G.T. Hoang, B.P. LeBlanc, R. Ball (2005 ). Temperature driven electron transport in NSTX and Tore Supra . Nuclear Fusion ,45 , 976.

A. Wurm, A. Apte, and P.J. Morrison (2004 ). On reconnection phenomena in the standard nontwist map . Brazilian Journal of Physics ,34 , 1700.

A. Wurm, N. Krausz, C. DeWitt-Morette, and M.Berg (2003 ). Fourier transforms of Lorentz invariant functions . Journal of Mathematical Physics ,44 , 352.

A. Apte, A. Wurm, and P.J. Morrison (2003 ). Renormalization and destruction of 1/gamma^2 tori in the standard nontwist map . Chaos ,13 , 421.

A. Wurm and J. LaChapelle (1997 ). Comment on: Path integral solution of the Schr?dinger equation in curvilinear coordinates: A straightforward procedure . Journal of Mathematical Physics ,38 , 2755.

Conference Proceedings

W. Horton, H. Vernon Wong, P.J. Morrison, A. Wurm, J. Perez, J.H. Kim, G.T. Hoang, B.P. LeBlanc ( , November 1-6, 2004 ). Electron thermal transport in Tore Supra and NSTX . 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference Vilamoura, Portugal

A. Wurm, A. Apte, K. Fuchs, and P.J. Morrison ( , June 28 - July 2, 2004 ). Separatrix reconnection and meanders in the standard nontwist map . 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics Imperial College, London