
Community Standards

Bias and Bias Related Incidents

Advocate For Your Community

Western New England University is firmly committed to addressing all bias and bias-based incidents in a timely manner. Any complaints of bias and/or unlawful discrimination shall be addressed according to the policies and procedures set forth in the Western New England University Discrimination/Harassment/Bias Policy, also contained in the student and employee handbooks.

What is Bias?

Western New England University defines bias as any stereotypical opinion or attitude toward a person(s) based upon actual or perceived membership in a group, including, but not limited to: sex, race, color, creed, religion, ethnic or national origin, age, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, genetics, or veteran’s status. A bias-based incident is an event which has the intent or effect of demeaning or degrading an individual or group and is motivated in whole or in part by the perpetrator’s personal bias. Certain bias-based incidents may also be violations of state and/or federal discrimination laws. Although not an exhaustive list, bias-based incidents may take the form of:

  • Threatening written, verbal, or electronic communication
  • Graffiti
  • Physical assault
  • Stalking
  • Vandalism
  • General harassment or coercion
  • Behavior that creates an unwelcoming and hostile environment

If you or someone you know has been subjected to an act of bias, please report it on the Bias Reporting Form. Reports may be made anonymously.

Need to know the steps of how to complete the form? Follow these steps.