• Place of Employment: Wayfair
Job Title: Senior Sales Coach
Why did you choose Western New England University’s College of Business? As a Western Mass local, my grandma had lived only a few streets away and I would pass the college quite a bit growing up. My plans after college were to head to Boston and start a fun adventure out there. In a classic version of “moms know best”, my mom suggested adding Western New England to my list of colleges to consider… in an attempt to keep me more local, but for the high educational reputation of the University she was aware of growing up in town. And man, was she right! Western New England’s College of Business was the right fit for me!
Between the smaller class sizes that allowed professors to get to know you, to the upbeat and homey campus feel, and the passion for teaching that echoes through each Professor, it was a no-brainer at that point. In fact, Western New England was my first of 9 college tours and the only one that felt right to me…so much so I toured twice more before starting my freshman year! I was fortunate enough to also have a work-study position in the College of Business which helped me expand my network with professors.
When it came time to determine my Masters plans, it was clear that my first choice was Western New England. The College of Business is AACSB accredited and the Master of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL) program was that perfectly matched build on my undergraduate degree in Management and Leadership. I felt this degree would give me the edge I need to work in corporate America to hone interpersonal and leadership skills and isn’t a specialty program found at a lot of other Universities. While concerned I would be a fully virtual student for the first time in my educational career, I was welcomed back with open arms. I had such a strong support system, still feeling that passion from professors I mentioned…just through a computer now.
To this day, I’m proudly an adjunct professor and volunteer for many College of Business functions, as professors continue to connect and keep open lines of communication that I greatly value. I always look forward to coming back to my COB Golden Bear family as much as I do my own family. I can only hope to share the same.