
Business student at computer

Advising Information

Building Blocks for Your Future

1. English: All students must complete two English composition courses (6 credits).
2. Mathematics: All students must complete 6 credits of mathematics with a grade of C or better in at least one course.
3. Computer Competence: All students must complete BIS 102.
4. Natural Science Perspective: All students must take two natural science courses with laboratories or two sequential courses in natural science, the first of which has a laboratory.
5. Behavioral/Social Science Perspective: All students must complete PSY 101 or SO 101.
6. Historical Perspective: All students are required to complete 3 credit hours in history.
7. Cultural Studies Perspective: All students must complete one course in CUL before graduation. “CA” courses meet both the Global Cultures AND Aesthetics perspectives. Students may take a CA course or a Cultures course that is designated as “C” and an Aesthetics course—see number 9 in this section for specific courses that qualify as Aesthetics perspective courses.
8. Ethical Perspective: All students are required to complete PH 211 or MAN 240.
9. Aesthetic Perspective: All students must take a course in the arts (appreciation, history, or practice). These courses include ART, FILM, MUS, and THTR or a CUL course which has been approved as a Cultures with an Aesthetic perspective course.
10. Repeating Courses: Any student who wishes to repeat a course in which a grade of less than C was earned should complete a form for Enrollment Services.
11. Independent Study: A student must make arrangements for an independent study prior to registration and complete a form from the Dean's office. The form must be signed by the faculty member who is directing the study, the faculty member’s department chair, the student's advisor, and by the student. Students with grade point averages of 3.0 or better, overall or in the major, may take up to 3 credits in their junior/senior years.
12. Internships: A student wanting to take an internship must make arrangements with the Career Center prior to registration. An internship application must be completed and signed by the student, the academic advisor, the department chair, and the internship coordinator. A student may take a total of 6 credits in the junior/senior years and must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 overall and in the major, except where an internship is required in the major or with special permission of the Assistant Dean.